Monday, November 2, 2009

A presidential beg your pardon

Jimmy Carter was elected President on this day in 1976.

Well he said 'I'd never lie to you' and what's more he never did
Though the times grew mighty tough he never flipped his lid
So shake the hand of the man with a hand full of love
The one and only Jimmy Carter

It's one of those hidden gems. Blue Mountain's album Dog Days is a beautiful patchwork quilt of Americana music, with rollicking made-for-the-road tunes like "Mountain Girl'' and "Blue Canoe'' and "Soul Sister.''

And the first time you hear "Jimmy Carter'' you might very well go ... huh? I know I did. Maybe the first few listens. But it grows on you. It certainly wasn't fashionable to write anything positive about Jimmy Carter while he was President of these United States. Sing his praises? I don't think so.

But the man became a cool cat once he was run out of office. I remember running into him outside the Omni in Atlanta. This would have been about 1989 -- nearly a decade after his one and lonely term in the White House. And he looked so good, you know? Tan skin, hair in place, happy smile. A true ambassador to the world.

And all I could think of saying to the 39th President of the United States, was: "Hey Jimmy!''

And he said "Hello!'' back. And there wasn't a Secret Service agent in sight.
I believe I could have stood there and had a conversation with him, but it just happened so fast, and before you knew it I was inside and he had caught his ride.

I never shook the hand of the man with a hand full of love.

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