Saturday, August 7, 2010

Whole notes and half marathons

Shhh, quiet! The baby is in the guest room sleeping.  We'll be waking her up soon but right now she's tucked away safely in her crib.

We stumbled into a favorite old guitar shop yesterday and it happened. Again.  We didn't really even have a chance. How they must smile when they see us walking through that door. Luckily this time we brought in a few others and a clean swap was made with no cash exchanged.

We think you'd enjoy hearing what our newest member of the family has to say so we'll be working to rig up some sound this weekend.  No promises, though.  Everything is a work in progress...

First we have to get ready for today's main event. Let's see:

Cooler?  Check! Ice? Check! Beer? Check!  Vodka? Check! Bloody Mary Mix? Check!  Pickles, olives and pickled okra? Check, check, check!

Our family has tailgates for just about everything short of funerals, so join us (if only in spirit) at today's Minnesota Half Marathon, where we'll be rooting for bib No. 2509. Go Jess!


  1. I'm a Southern boy by birth - and the grace-a God! - but I will never understand others' enfatuation with the nasty organic that is ... okra. My daughter eats it fried, and folks boil it, bake it, mix it in with cheeses and even make some sort of casserole with it. But no matter what they do to it, it's still snotty viscous inside. I don't get it. And now this Jim fella in Wisconsin PICKLES it? No wonder these folks run only a half-marathon; nothing there worth finishing for! ;-{)

  2. I'm not drinkin a bloody mary like all you guys, I am enjoying a vodka tonic, will that qualify me for "being in spirit" Here's hoping #2509, left them all in the dust!!!!!! Go Jess Go.....I'm sure she will make her Dad proud no matter how she does. (:
